Zen Rug

Zen Rug offers a beautiful collection of woven fabric carpets that would add elegance and style to any space. The incorporation of decorative stripes in complementary colors suggests a sophisticated design that can complement various interior aesthetics.

Having carpets available in various sizes also adds versatility, allowing customers to choose the size that best fits their rooms and preferences. The combination of quality craftsmanship, thoughtful design, and the use of complementary colors reflects an attention to detail and aesthetics that would likely appeal to a wide range of customers.
For individuals seeking to enhance the ambiance of their living spaces with tasteful and visually appealing floor coverings, Zen Rug’s assortment of carpets seems like an excellent option to explore.


230 cm | 90.55", 300 cm | 118.11", 310 cm | 122.05"


300 cm | 118.11", 310 cm | 122.04", 400 cm | 157.48"

Lead time

8-12 weeks + shipping

Our exclusive luxury furniture and accessories collection, showcases a handpicked selection of Italy’s finest brands and manufacturers. We bring together top designer pieces, in-house creations, and collaborative projects featuring Italy’s most accomplished artisans. Dive into a world of exceptional items that embody our unique style and unwavering commitment to unparalleled craftsmanship. Each piece is custom-crafted in Italy to meet your specific desires.

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Luxury Custom Furniture

Looking For A Luxury Custom Furniture Piece?

Our vast network of skilled Italian artisans working directly for some of the major brands make it possible to achieve the highest level of finish with the best craftsmanship on the market. We also provide detailed technical drawings and renders, and document the progress of works until packaging. Find out more information: Luxury Custom Furniture.